Shocks and satisfaction spike as Qing win House Volleyball 2022
By Anna Ng and Charisse Chan
The annual House Volleyball event took place on October 12-13th, 2022. Students had the opportunity to improve and build their volleyball abilities while competing against teachers and students from other houses. Qing house claimed a rare victory.
On October 10 and 11, 2022, a two-day training session was held where sports scholars and house captains prepared students and teachers for the competition.
Qing House Captain Leanne Tse enthused: “This year's House Volleyball was a successful event for Qing House.” It was a memorable event for her as it was Qing house’s first victory in a while. According to Tse, House Volleyball had many students and teachers engaging and participating, which in her opinion, is what led to their victory. Although she did not participate in the tournament herself, she was tasked to help take pictures and record the competitive energy and high levels of teamwork that were created when Qing was competing.
“Honestly, it was really surprising and wholesome to see as a house captain,” she said, although she thought it felt bizarre for Qing to win such a large house event.
Tse stated that it was her first time serving as a Qing house captain, so she didn’t know what to expect, but she was extremely satisfied with the results of House Volleyball. But now that a Qing victory was achieved under her leadership and the other house captains, she truly felt a sense of accomplishment and greater responsibility to secure more victories for Qing in future house events.
She commented: “A memorable part of the house event was when each Qing player in the senior volleyball match would encourage their teammates through high-fives or pat-on-the-back whenever good passes or spikes were done.” She expressed that this demonstrated to her the kindness of the Qing house members, and it was something that she really appreciated as a house leader.
Tse further said that the streak of defeats for Qing was true and luckily been proven wrong from this house event. As a Qing house captain, she felt really surprised and surreal that Qing had won such a major house competition event. It also provided her with the confidence she needed to lead Qing in future house competitions.
Her biggest takeaway from the event was the fact that “we have a lot of skilled volleyball players in Qing, and the engagement in this event is splendid.” Leanne acknowledged that ever since becoming a house captain, she’s seen that a lot of Qing house students don’t participate in house events with larger audiences. But, after this event, she realised that that was untrue and that more and more Qing house students were starting to become more passionate and volunteering to participate in these house events.
(Photo credit to Charmaine Lie)