Tandoori Chicken: the greatest meal ever served at RCHK?

Perfectly roasted piece of Tandoori Chicken, served with fresh herbs, vegetables and assorted fried rice. [Ali, 2017]

RCHK’s catering service has undergone significant change ever since the pandemic struck. As students returned to campus in 2022, school lunch has been served in a different form. Instead of serving freshly cooked food on plates or boxes, lunch meals are now available in pre-cooked containers. Although hygienic and convenient, the quality of food leaves much to be desired.

But for $31.50 HKD, there is a lunch meal that many students hail as the greatest meal ever served for lunch at RCHK: Tandoori Chicken with Rice. Originating from Indian cuisine, the dish consists of chicken that is marinated in greek yoghurt, lemon and various spices, then either roasted or grilled, and is generally served with rice or bread.

So what makes this particular option the best? 

Firstly, this meal is extremely delicious, thanks to its flavourful recipe and sublime execution by the cafeteria cooks.

“Tandoori Chicken is one of the meals that Chartwells surprisingly prepares very well,” stated one Year 9 RCHK student.

The dish served at the cafeteria features sliced chicken breast in a creamy and fragrant sauce that is filled with herbs and spices. The juicy, tender chicken is paired alongside steamed rice which is perfectly cooked; each grain is soft, but not mushy. Most importantly, the chicken with sauce and rice are placed into separate containers in the lunch box, which is also kept well heated until placed in the hands of a hungry RCHK student.

“The rice is something that the cafeteria always gets right. But the best part of Tandoori Chicken is that sauce,” said Year 11 student Torres Chau. “I’m not exactly sure what they [chefs] put inside it, but I’m pretty sure there's plenty of herbs and spices, which makes the entire thing very fragrant.”

“I really like the chicken; it's cooked just right which makes the meat very tender. The fact that the cafeteria uses boneless chicken breast is quite considerate and makes the overall lunch experience very enjoyable,” said Year 11 student Patton Chiu.

According to a survey, four out of twelve respondents stated that Tandoori Chicken was their favourite lunch meal from the cafeteria. Furthermore, eight out of twelve respondents gave Tandoori Chicken a rating of 7 or above out of 10 based on taste; the only meal to achieve such a feat, beating the likes of Pasta Bolognese and Pesto Chicken Pasta.

Aside from being a delicious meal, Tandoori Chicken is also very nutritious. The entire meal is very balanced, ticking boxes for protein, carbohydrates, dairy and fibres which is beneficial to the body. It should also be noted that all menu options were designed by a group of nutrition specialists at Chartwells, thus it is certain that this option is packed with nutrition. According to the official RCHK lunch menu published by Chartwells, Tandoori Chicken belongs to the “Eat More” category and is highlighted in green. In fact, for some students, nutrition is a key factor to why they love Tandoori Chicken with Rice.

“It’s [Tandoori Chicken] a simple meal, but so tasty and healthy as well. I like how this option has large portions of lean chicken breast, which I think is a great source of protein,” said Hendrik Chan, a Year 11 student at RCHK, who has taken interest in bodybuilding recently.

Ryan Wong, a student athlete at RCHK, said: “Tandoori Chicken is a textbook example of what our school should be serving. This meal is one of my favourites since it’s so healthy and delicious, and I believe many others, especially athletes, would say so too.”

However, what really sets this dish apart from the rest lies within the uniqueness and rarity of this meal. RCHK’s lunch menu features more than twenty five different meal options. As such, it's obvious that Tandoori Chicken only comes by once every while to bless the palettes of hungry RCHK students. In fact, this builds hype and excitement around this dish, and is precisely why this enticing option always sells out when available.

Additionally, Tandoori Chicken also features a unique, trademark sauce. Unlike many other meals, which students often complain about -  the same ‘brown, orange or white’ sauces being reused - Tandoori Chicken has its own sauce, which is not only special but also very flavourful.

Obviously, Tandoori Chicken isn’t everyone's cup of tea. Although a popular option amongst many students, some individuals may still dislike this meal. After all, everybody has their own preference, and not everyone may enjoy this specific choice. Moreover, some believe that the Tandoori Chicken served at RCHK lacks authenticity, and may lead to an inaccurate representation of Indian cuisine. However, as an international school, students are constantly aware about the importance of culture as global citizens, thus they are likely to understand the concepts of authenticity and representation.

The next step for Chartwells is to elevate this amazing dish into new heights. Perhaps branch out into a variety of different ingredients; maybe Tandoori fish, or swap out the rice with a different grain, such as couscous or pasta. The possibilities are endless. But what we know is that yoghurt and spice marinated chicken with a side of rice is one hell of a great dish.