The Grand Theft
By Aiden Lau
Walking down the street the Child would
By chance discover the necrotic note,
That makes bearers 500 richer.
The father would urge “Take it! Take it!”
Yet the conscience would cry out “No!”
The note would sing its infernal song
That corrupts even the purest,
And transform innocence —
Into realisation.
An overwhelming sense of fear consumed him,
Like a body possessed by the devil himself,
Strangled the Child.
And the Child liked it.
The adrenaline would coarse through your veins,
And the thundering thumps of your heart would remind you
Of the misdeed.
As the Child returned home it would seem
That the piqued sun would stare down,
And condemn.
The sweet green note in his hand,
Still muddied from the soles of others, and rat matter.
Still rank from the bowels of the real world,
He has learnt little.
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels