RCHK Science Team returns for Family Fun Day
By Winnie Pau
The RCHK Science Team is back, hosting two science game stalls at the Family Fun Day in December.
One stall was a simple game where primary students learnt fun facts about physics and forces of the paper airplanes they flew through holes in cardboard, with its sign brightly exclaiming “It’s not rocket science!” It gained the most popularity amongst younger students; the students were also given fact sheets to take home and share with family members!
The RCHK Science Team has been established for two years, a legacy project that was run by current Year 13s Ines Lau Vazquez and Theresia Purnomo last year and now led by current Year 12s Michelle Wong, Nishant Kidangan, and Joshua Ng. The team is focused on introducing and promoting innovative and educational science-related events to students at RCHK. Their aim is to create an inclusive environment for all students at RCHK who are interested in the fields of science to be opened up to new opportunities.
Wong, one of the leaders of the Science Team, expressed her sentiments on their experience at Family Fun Day, “We were delighted to see so many primary students stopping by our stall to play the games that we prepared for them. Through these simple games, we hope that the students were able to learn about science in a fun and enjoyable way.”
Throughout the rest of the year, the Science Team is planning on hosting science activities such as a science race, aiming to spark an interest or passion for science in younger students and allow them to explore and develop those interests at RCHK. One of the Year 12 members of the Science Team states, “the team is currently looking for inter school or potentially global science competitions or olympiads in Hong Kong that we can enroll an RCHK team into.”
This year’s Science Team promotions will no doubt be a great opportunity to get in touch with science activities at RCHK, and as a closing note, Wong says, “We are actively brainstorming ideas on how to engage the school community with science related activities so look out for our SS bulletin announcements!”