The dark of the heavens?

By Alyssia Tse

You’re sent to a world full of magic and wonder,

You’re told to save the land from going under.

Your journey begins light as a flower,

You find comrades along to drag down the worst,

You laugh and play and sing some more, But when you face the dark,

Everything falls.

Your comrades start rushing and fighting,

Looking for glory that comes with defeating,

You join the fray;

In the centre you stand,

Facing the darkness that haunts the land.

You fight and fight, with no end in sight,

Until you pierce the heart of the dark.

You smile and cheer, victory is reached!

But when you turn despair is left.

Allies have fallen, broken, and dirty,

Some left no remains beside the weapon they carry,

You frozen stiff wondering why,

Why, oh why has this happened?

Hours pass and the back-up have arrived,

But they’re a moment too late, a step too slow.

How long did you stand? 

Staring and wondering,

Why, oh why has this happened to them?

You look up to the stars,

Where the gods and heavens lie,

And you ask,

‘Why has this end befallen’ the best?’

You stare and stare with no reply back,

And you wonder why have the heavens betrayed you so?

Rains starts to pour but you’re not fazed,

You look up to the heavens and start to scream out slander,

‘How dare you betray me? 

After all I have done,

After all I hadn’t,

Why have you given me care just to ruin it all?’

‘Why have you given me hope when you are just to throw it away?

Why have you let me fall into this pit of despair?’

You stand there some more and then you think,

Is this what they call the dark of the heavens?

Renaissance College