The RCHK Truth

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RCHK perspective: UK boarding schools

By Jasper Lau

▲ Image of RCHK against Brighton College, a UK boarding school. Source: Expat Living Hong Kong

Every year, UK boarding schools attract many RCHK parents and students. Boarding schools in the UK are independent schools that provide boarding services. 

UK boarding schools have very long legacies, some dating back to the 15th century. Back then, these boarding schools were for aristocratic and noble families. Therefore, it is no secret that UK boarding schools provide an outstanding education. However, parents wanting to send their children to a boarding school have to pay a hefty price. 

Top UK boarding schools cost anywhere between £30,000 (HKD 320,000) to £50,000 ($530,000) a year. This is opposed to RCHK’s annual tuition fees, which average $166,000 - 168,000 HKD per year. On top of the tuition fees, the return flights, uniforms, and extracurricular activities can cost an extra £10,000. 

Despite the hefty price and separation from their child, many RCHK parents are determined to send their child to a UK boarding school. A former RCHK parent says that boarding schools in the UK allow their child to “experience a different culture and receive more opportunities.” Another parent says that UK boarding schools have a “diverse student body which broadens their [child's] perspective of the world.” 

All parents interviewed believe that UK boarding schools have a better quality of education when compared to RCHK. Some reasons are because of a more “systematic approach,” “flexible subject choices” and a “disciplined boarding life” which develops independence.

Many students interviewed from UK boarding schools say their boarding school has superior education and facilities. Chloe Lam, a Y12 student at Cheltenham Ladies College, switched to this UK boarding school in Year 12 for an “easier transition to a UK university.” She says her UK boarding school has 3-12 students class sizes compared to 15-25 at RCHK. Lam also feels like her current school is “more rigorous” and “offers more resources and facilities,” with a “huge campus.”

Access to better resources and equipment allows for more in-depth inquiry into a subject, while greater facilities improve the study environment and increase social interaction.

Michelle, a Year 11 student, says that the learning environment at her current school is “more positive and encouraging,” and the way they teach students is “completely different.” 

Despite the “better education” and “larger facilities”, there are challenges that RCHK students face when attending UK boarding schools. Homesickness is a common challenge because students are separated from their families for many months. 

Hallie, a Year 11 student at Strathallan School, says that “over some time, you start to get homesick due to the different culture and food.” 

Cultural differences are a massive obstacle for many Hong Kong students because the UK’s language, customs, and values are entirely different. 

Michelle says that her boarding school is “quite traditional”; therefore, the school's rules “might not sound reasonable” to students from Hong Kong.

These cultural differences can also lead to difficulties. When Hallie first arrived at her school, she had “trouble fitting into the culture.” In the worst case, problems fitting in can lead to being treated differently and sometimes unfairly. 

Hubert, a Y11 student at Monmouth School for Boys, says that there is “definitely a bit of discrimination, and the people are not going to be extremely kind towards you.” Therefore, he faced “a lot of barriers” when he first arrived. 

However, despite the many challenges that RCHK students face when transitioning to a UK boarding school, all students are satisfied with their decision. They enjoy the new environment and feel like they receive a better life experience at their UK boarding school. All students interviewed agreed that they learn independence and discipline. 

Many echo one student who says that her boarding school has “offered lots of opportunities” that she wouldn't have gotten if she had stayed in Hong Kong. The chance to meet new people from around the world, discover new places, try out new experiences and much more makes UK boarding schools a desirable possibility for many students in RCHK.